Thursday, October 15, 2015


Did you hear there's going to be a FROST?
ROBERT FROST is a quoted poet - thoughtful and wise.

FROST on autumn leaves is a beautiful surprise.  
 The Old Jack FROST was a bugger who nipped your nose 
OUR Jack Frost nips your nose AND CURLS YOUR TOES!
(that's a good thing!)
We are packaging Jack Frost Winter Warmer next week. 
It will be available Thursday, October 22nd. 
Send me your orders so you can have it on your customers' shelves
when the first flakes fly!
Available in 1/2 and 1/6 Kegs and CANS
Priced the same as our Late Night Pumpkin Ale.
More beers to compliment the change in weather:
Late Night Pumpkin Ale
Buck Snort Stout
Sam's Harvest Ale

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